Our Organization

HCC Lay Leadership and Organization

Hope Central Church is all about the Welcome Table. We are many members from many backgrounds and many perspectives, yet we are one Body, gathered around one table at which all are welcome.

Holy Communion is central to our worship, our community and our faith. We come together around the table and are sent out from there refreshed, renewed and inspired to transform the World.

Below is some additional information about how our church is organized.

Finance and Stewardship

Stewardship is…

As stewards of our resources and as a congregational church that operates autonomously, we fund our own staff and programs and maintain our property so that all might provide for our spiritual life together. In order to do this, we invite all to consider a pledge each year and welcome donations.

If you attend Hope Central Church and haven’t yet made a pledge this year, we invite you to pray about how your gift could dress our Welcome Table with nourishment, love, and grace, then email Lisa Pilat to pledge or learn more at churchmanager@hopecentralchurch.org

You can also make a contribution to Hope Central Church anytime by clicking the Donate button below using Venmo or Vanco, or send a check to the church.

Bylaws & Annual Reports

Like many other organizations, Hope Central Church has two key organizational documents — Bylaws that guide its operation and Annual Reports that reflect its progress as an institution. 


Leadership Circle

The Leadership Circle is an elected group entrusted by the congregation to carry out the vision of Hope Central Church. Nine members serve on rotating three-year terms. Three new members are elected each November to begin in January.

Leadership Circle Roles & Responsibilities


The Leadership Circle is an elected group entrusted by the Congregation to carry out the vision of Hope Central Church. The Leadership Circle advises the pastor(s) on the general direction of Hope Central Church’s activities, and collaborates with the Pastor in the formulation of a well-rounded community life. The Leadership Circle may act for the members of Hope Central Church in minor matters, always mindful that unless such action is taken with consensus, it must have the confirmation of the Covenant Partners of Hope Central Church. We hold to the core mission and vision of Hope Central Church as shared in the welcoming statement read every time we gather for worship. This remains constant. Yet, as we seek to be faithful to God, we acknowledge that there are ways we may need to change. Thus, the Hope Central Church bylaws and other documents detailing our common life are to be considered ‘living documents,’ open to revision and change. As we ourselves are works in progress, so to are the structures of our common life together. The Leadership Circle will approve any new program initiatives. The Covenant Partners of Hope Central Church shall ratify policy changes, bylaw revisions or major items.


Nominating/Connections Team

The Nominating/Connections Team is charged with identifying the gifts of Covenant Partners and inviting them to serve in various ways on the standing committees of the church. Nominations take place each January, and the Nominating/Connections Team’s recommendations are voted upon by the congregation at its Annual Meeting.